These core values are a summary of what matters most to us as a church. If you'd like to learn more or talk to us about them, we'd love to hear from you.
We are committed to living together in authentic, biblical, truth-loving, Christian community for the glory of God through Jesus Christ.
We are committed to Gospel-centered teaching and living in our church. As such we are honest with our sins, we confess them, bring them to the cross, and live a lifestyle of repentance and forgiveness.
We are committed to the inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture and stand on God’s Word in all things.
We are committed to regular, verse by verse, book by book, expository preaching of the Scriptures to ensure that over the long haul the whole counsel of God is presented to the congregation and we are not dependent upon the theology of any individual.
We are committed to the hard and rewarding work of discipleship in the church in obedience to the Great Commission. As a result, our evangelism and outreach efforts are geared towards the goal of presenting every man complete in Christ through biblical discipleship in the local church.
We are committed to pursuing real, authentic, spiritual relationships with each other in the church that we might spur one another on towards love and good deeds. We value rich, genuine, fellowship in sharing Christ and our very lives with each other. We value the unity and diversity of the church and rejoice to worship with anyone who shares our common faith and love for Jesus. We do not regard people according to worldly standards and rejoice to embrace fellowship with anyone who is in Christ and walking in faithfulness to him.
We value the truth that every member of the body of Christ has been gifted by the grace of God to minister to the body and we treasure the biblical reality of every member ministry in the body.
We are committed to raising up qualified leaders and teachers who are faithful and gifted in their teaching and who meet the character qualifications laid out in God’s Word to lead God’s people.
We are committed to worshiping God in song through biblically faithful and rich lyrics and allow for freedom in style to maximally edify and benefit the congregation.
We are committed to regularly gathering for corporate prayer, to praise God, confess our sins, and intercede for all manner of needs. We are also committed to being a people of prayer at an individual level as well.
We are committed to living a life of love (according to the Bible’s definition and not man’s) towards God, his people, and the lost.
We are committed to trusting the sovereign goodness of God through all things, knowing he is the one who ultimately orchestrates everything in our lives for his glory and the good of his people. We are committed to a life of faith and faithfulness to clearly understood Scriptures. It is our joy to believe in God and trust in him despite what the world thinks about various topics. We treasure the truth that God can be trusted to deliver on his promises and honor his Word and we will stand on these truths in faith, that our lives might be a demonstration of his faithfulness.